
Revideret/revised May 2024


Kategori/ Category

Publikationerne er opført i kronologisk rækkefølge. Grønne numre linker til abstracts og evt. rettelser og tilføjelser. Det bemærkes, at søgning på nettet giver forskellige resultater alt efter, hvilke dele af navnet Henning S Heide-Jørgensen (f.eks. synonymt med H S Heidejorgensen), der søges på. – Grønne numre linker til abstracts.
Green numbers link to abstracts, corrigenda, and/or supplementary information including photos.
When searching the WEB results differ depending of which combination of the name Henning S Heide-Jørgensen (e.g. synnonymeous with H S Heidejorgensen) you search for. – Green numbers link to abstracts.

Populær videnskab =
Popular science paper

74 Heide-Jørgensen, H. S. 2024. Further notes on Elephanthead lousewort, Pedicularis groenlandica. – Haustorium 85 p. 11.

Refereed paper

73 Johnsen, I & Heide-Jørgensen, H. S. 2021 The Natural Environment and Its Biodiversity in Greenland During the Present Climate Change,  In E. Panagiotakopulo & J. P. Sadler: Biogeography in the Sub-Arctic – The past and future of North Atlantic biota. p. 339-357. Wiley

72 Heide-Jørgensen H. S. 2021. Toothwort – Lathraea squamaria                                 See Botanical subjects

Refereed paper

Popular science paper

71 Heide-Jørgensen H. S 2020. Skældrod, – Lathraea squamaria. URT 2020:3 p 20-25.

Populær videnskab

70 Heide-Jørgensen H. S. 2020. Skælrod, Lathraea squamaria (p 1-6)

WEB publication – pdf

69 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2015. The Mistletoe Viscum album. (p 1-32)

WEB publication – pdf

68 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2015. MISTELTEN – Viscum album. (p 1-32)

WEB publication – pdf

67 Heide-Jørgensen H. S. 2014. Liv og død i kødædende planters faldgrubefælder, specielt i slægten Sarracenia. – Flora & Fauna. 120(1): 26-32.

Populær videnskab
pdf artikel

66 Heide-Jørgensen H. S. 2014. Danish and other Nordic parasitic plants. 40 pp.

WEB publication – pdf

65 Heide-Jørgensen H S, 2013. The parasitic syndrome in higher plants. In D M Joel, J. Gressel & L Musselman (eds.): Parasitic Orobanchaceae – Parasitic mechanisms and control strategies. Pp. 1-18. Springer, Heidelberg.

Refereed book

64 Heide-Jørgensen H S, 2013. Anholt – en naturperle i Kattegat. Landskabs- og vegetationsændringer i nyere tid. ..(p1-54).

Refereed book

63 Rubiales, D & Heide-Jørgensen H S, 2011. Parasitic Plants. In The Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Wiley, Chichester. 10 pp.

Refereed book

62 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2011. Parasitic plants. In: D. Simberloff & M. Reymánek (eds.): Encyclopedia of Biological Invasions. Pp. 504-510. Univ. Calif. Press. Burkeley – Los Angeles (Also available in electronic version Oct. 2010).

Refereed book

61 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2009-?? Diverse artikler til Gyldendals WEB-leksikon primært omhandlende kødædende planter og snylteplanters biologi.

Encyclopedia articles in Danish

60 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2008. Danske og andre nordiske snylteplanter. – Danish and other Nordic parasitic plants. (with Figure legends in English). 40 pp.

WEB publication – pdf

59 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2008. Parasitic flowering plants. 438 pp. Brill, Leiden-Boston.

Refereed Book

58 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2006. Naturindtryk fra Kruger Nationalpark og omegn. 16 pp.


57 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2004-??. – hjemmeside med diverse botaniske artikler.


56 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2004. Værtsvalg, økonomiske betydning og evolution – (Snylteplanter IV). Naturens Verden 87 p 42-61.

Populær videnskab

55 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2003. Helsnyltere (Holoparasitter) – (Snylteplanter III). Naturens Verden 86 p 46-64.

Populær videnskab

54 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2003. Halvparasitter (Snylteplanter II). Naturens Verden 86 (3) p 1-20

Populær videnskab

53 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2002. Haustoriets struktur og funktion (Snylteplanter I). Naturens Verden 85 (11/12) p 32-52.

Populær videnskab

52 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2002. Botanisk Grundkursus. Folkeuniversitetet. København. 27 pp.


51 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2001. Vibefedt. Danmarks Nationalleksikon. 20:129.

Leksikon stikord

50 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2001. Heterotrofe blomsterplanters biologi. Folke-universitetet. København. 39 pp. (Revised edition).


49 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2000. Snylteplanter. Danmarks Nationalleksikon. 17:450.

Leksikon artikel

48 Heide-Jørgensen H S, Kristensen R M. 1999. Puilassoq, the warmest homothermal spring of Disco Island. Ber. Polarforschung 330:32-43.


47 Brandt A, Thomsen H A, Heide-Jørgensen H S, Kristensen R M, Ruhberg H. 1999. The 1998 Danish-German Excursion to Disco Island, West Greenland. Ber. Polarforschung 330, 184 pp.

Tidsskrift redaktion

46 Heide-Jørgensen H S, Kristensen R M. 1999. Puilassoq, Disko øens varmeste homoterme kilde. In: Arktisk Biologisk Feltkursus, Qeqertarsuaq 1998. p 219-231 (English Summary).


45 Heide-Jørgensen H S, Torp U. 1998. Dansk sammenfatning af rapporten ‘Ecosystem vulnerability to climate change in Greenland and the Faroe Islands’. Ny Viden, Miljøstyrelsen.

Populær videnskab

44 Heide-Jørgensen H S, Johnsen I. 1998. Ecosystem vulnerability to climate change in Greenland and the Faroe Islands. Miljønyt nr. 33. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. 266 pp.


43 Heide-Jørgensen H S, Johnsen I. 1998. Ecosystem vulnerability to climate change in Greenland and the Faroe Islands – Presentation of a report recently published by Danish Environmental Protection Agency. Arktisk biologisk Forskermøde VII 1998. Rapport, Dansk Polarcenter. p 11.


42 Heide-Jørgensen HS. 1998. Kødædende Planter. Danmarks National-leksikon 11:503.

Leksikon artikel

41 Anonym 1997. Chapter 7.2 Climate change in Greenland og Chapter 7.3 Climate change in the Faroe Islands: In Dissing L, Torp U, Rasmussen E (eds.) Denmark’s second national communication on climate change. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. p 74-81.


40 Björn L O, Callaghan T V, Johnsen I, Lee J A, Manetas Y, Paul N D, Sonesson M, Wellburn A R, Coop D, Heide-Jørgensen H S, Gehrke C, Gwynn-Jones D, Johanson U, Kyparissis A, Levizou E, Nikolopoulos D, Petropoulou Y, Stephanou M. 1997. The effects of UV-B radiation on European heathland species. Plant Ecol. 128:252-264.

Refereed paper

39 Heide-Jørgensen H S, Johnsen I. 1997. Ecosystem vulnerability to climate change in Greenland and the Faroe Islands. Working Report No. 97 Danish Environmental Protection Agency. Ministry of Environment and Energy. 266 pp.

Summary: see 44

38 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1997. Haustorium. Danmarks Nationalleksikon.

Leksikon stikord

37 Heide-Jørgensen H S, Johnsen I. 1997. Høj-arktisk vegetation i NV-Grønland. Naturens Verden 1997(6):208-223.

Populær vidednskab

36 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1996. Emergens – Epithel – Fangstblære. Danmarks Nationalleksikon.

Leksikon stikord

35 Mikkelsen T N, Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1996. Acceleration of leaf senescence in Fagus sylvatica L. by low levels of tropospheric ozone demonstrated by leaf colour, chlorophyll fluorescence and chloroplast ultrastructure. Trees 10:145-156.

Refereed paper

34 Heide-Jørgensen H S, Johnsen I. 1996. UV-B sensitivity in the lichen Cladonia mitis, a component of the Cassiope tetragona plant community in high arctic Greenland. Summary report, Department of Plant Ecology, Univ. Copenhagen. 4 pp


33 Heide-Jørgensen H S, Johnsen I. 1995. Impact of increased UV-B radiation on the lichen Cladonia mitis from Northern Greenland. Poster. International Workshop: UV-B and Biosphere. December 15-28, WICC, Wageningen, The Netherlands.


32 Johnsen I, Heide-Jørgensen H S, Zeuthen J. 1995. Impact of increased UV-B radiation on the lichen Cladonia mitis from northern Greenland, 2nd report. Supplement 1. Dept. of Plant Ecology, Univ. Copenhagen. 6 pp.


31 Johnsen I, Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1995. Impact of increased UV-B radiation on the lichen Cladonia mitis from northern Greenland, 2nd report. Dept. of Plant Ecology, Univ. Copenhagen. 42 pp.


30 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1995. Hvad skal barnet hedde? Soldug-bladet 1(2):6.


29 Heide-Jørgensen H S, Kuijt J. 1995. The haustorium of the root parasite Triphysaria (Scrophulariaceae), with special reference to xylem bridge ultrastructure. Amer. J. Bot. 82: 782-797.

Refereed paper

28 Heide-Jørgensen H S, Johnsen I. 1995. Analysis of surface structures in Cladonia mitis podetia in historical and recent collections from Greenland. Abstract. In K. Laakso & S. Huttunen (Eds.) Effects of UV-B and ozone on northern forest. TemaNord 579. p 8.


27 Johnsen I, Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1995. Indications of UV-B sensitivity in the lichen  EUR 15607. Brussels. p 285-288.


26 Heide-Jørgensen H S, Johnsen I. 1995. Analysis of surface structures in Cladonia mitis podetia in historic and recent collections from Greenland. Can. J. Bot. 73: 457-464.

Refereed paper

25 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1995. Ultrastructural analysis of the haustorium of Tri-physaria. Abstract. In: International Workshop on Parasitic Plants: Biology and resistance. 30 May – 2 June. IACR-Long Ashton Research Station, Bristol. p 6.


24 Johnsen I, Heide-Jørgensen H S, Zeuthen J. 1995. Impact of increased UV-B radiation on the lichen Cladonia mitis from northern Greenland, 2nd report. Supplement 1. Dept. of Plant Ecology, Univ. Copenhagen. 6 pp.


23 Johnsen I, Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1995. Impact of increased UV-B radiation on the lichen Cladonia mitis from northern Greenland, 2nd report. Dept. of Plant Ecology, Univ. Copenhagen. 42 pp.


22 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1994. Absorptionsvæv. Danmarks Nationalleksikon 1: 32.

Leksikon stikord

21 Johnsen I, Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1993. Report on UV-B sensitivity in Cladonia mitis. Dept. of Plant Ecology, Univ. Copenhagen. 22 pp. (A short version is also available: 8 pp).


20 Mikkelsen T N, Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1993. Acceleration of leaf senescence in Fagus sylvatica L. by low levels of tropospheric ozone demonstrated by leaf colour, chlorophyll fluorescence & chloroplast ultrastructural changes. In T N Mikkelsen: Ecophysiological studies of beech and Norway spruce exposed to low levels of ozone. Thesis, University of Copenhagen. p 113-147.


19 Heide-Jørgensen H S, Kuijt J. 1993. Epidermal derivatives as xylem elements and transfer cells: a study of the host-parasite interface of two species of Triphysaria (Scrophulariaceae). – Protoplasma 174: 173-183.

Refereed paper

18 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1991. Anatomy and ultrastructure of the haustorium of Cassytha pubescens R. Br. – I. The adhesive disk. – Bot. Gaz. 152: 321-334.

Refereed paper

17 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1991. Notes on the structure of the adhesive disk of Cuscuta. In: Ransom J K, L J Musselman, A D Worsham, and C. Parker (eds). Proc. 5th Inter. Symp. Parasitic Weeds. Nairobi: CIMMYT. p 513.


16 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1991. Cuticle development and ultrastructure: evidence for a procuticle of high osmium affinity. – Planta 183: 511-519.

Refereed paper

15 Heide-Jørgensen, H S. 1990. Xeromorphic leaves of Hakea suaveolens R. Br. IV. Ontogeny, structure and function of the sclereids. – Aust. J. Bot. 38: 25-43.

Refereed paper

14 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1989. Kødædende planter 3. Blærerodfamiliens fældetyper. – Naturens Verden 1989(9): 337-357.

Populær videnskab

13 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1989. Development and ultrastructure of the haustorium of Viscum minimum Harvey. I. The adhesive disk. – Can. J. Bot. 67: 1161-1173.

Refereed paper

12 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1988. Heterotrofe blomsterplanters biologi. Folke-universitetet. København. 39 pp.


11 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1987. Kødædende planter 2. Limpinde, fluepapir og rævesakse. – Naturens Verden 1987(8): 279-296.

Populær videnskab

10 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1987. Changes in cuticle structure during development and attachment of the upper haustorium of Cuscuta L., Cassytha L., and Viscum L. – In H C Weber and W Forstreuter (eds.): Parasitic flowering plants. Proc. 4th Int. Symp. Parasitic Flowering Plants. Marburg. p 319-334.


9 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1986. Kødædende planter 1. Indledning, faldgrube-fælder. – Naturens Verden 1986(3): 81-102.

Populær videnskab

8 Joel D M, Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1985. Ultrastructure and development of the pitcher epithelium of Sarracenia. – Israel J. Bot. 34: 331-349.

Refereed paper

7 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1981. Parasitisme og Carnivori. – Institut for Plante-anatomi og Cytologi. Københavns Universitet. 61 pp.


6 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1981. Cuticles with functions other than simply protective. – In J Wattendorff and KJ Lendzian (eds.): The protective layers in higher plants and their function: Cuticular membranes and periderms. Conf. Abstr. Univ. Freiburg 1981: 28.


5 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1981. Morphology and occurrence of different types of cuticular membranes. – In J Wattendorff and KJ Lendzian (eds.): The protective layers in higher plants and their function: Cuticular membranes and periderms. Conf. Abstr. Univ. Freiburg 1981: 10.


4 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1980. The xeromorphic leaves of Hakea suaveolens R.Br. III. Ontogeny, structure and function of the T-shaped trichomes. Bot. Tidsskr. 75: 181-196.

Refereed paper

3 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1980. Anmeldelse af E Holm 1979: Insektædende Planter. – Urt 80: 62.


2 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1978. The xeromorphic leaves of Hakea suaveolens R.Br. II. Structure of epidermal cells, cuticle development and ectodesmata. – Bot. Tidsskr. 72: 227-244.

Refereed paper

1 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1978. The xeromorphic leaves of Hakea suaveolens R.Br. I. Structure of photosynthetic tissue with intercellular pectic strands and tylosoids. – Bot. Tidsskr. 72: 87-103.

Refereed paper

Contributions to publications by other authors:

Böcher TW, Olesen P 1978. Structural and ecophysiological pattern in the xero-halophytic C4 grass Sporobolus rigens (Tr.) Desv. Kgl. danske Vid. Sel. Biol. Skr. 22,3: 1-48. – Determination of CO2 compensation point.

NN: Anatomy for Agricultural Highschools, Portugal. – Fig. 2, Hakea cuticle diagram from Botanisk Tidsskr. 72 (1978).

Juniper BE, Robins RJ, Joel DM 1989. The carnivorous plants. Academic Press, London. – Figs. 4.15, 6.35, and 14.1.

Bhandari NN, Mukerji KG 1993. The haustorium – Fig. 1 from Can. J. Bot. 67 (1989).

Stupinsky. Monography of Viscum album. – Fig. 1 from Can. J. Bot. 67 (1989).

Jürgensen A & Sutton K G 1996: TRILOGI – Kunst – Natur – Videnskab. Kunsthallen Brandts Klædefabrik, Odense. – Macrophoto of Cladonia mitis used as cover.

Jeffree C E 1996. In: G. Kirstiens (ed.) Plant cuticles – An integrated functional approach. Bios, Scientific Publishers, Oxford. – 15 TEM-micrographs of cuticle ultrastructure.

Miljøstyrelsen 2001. ‘Den livgivende og dødbringende’ – Det dansk-grønlandske miljøsamarbejde, Kap. 6. – 5 fotos.

Vestergaard P (red.) 2007: Det åbne land. – 19 figurer i kap. 14.

Hatcher P & Battey N 2011: Biological diversity. Exploiters and Exploited.
Viscum diagrams p. 375.

Schwerdtfeger M 2023: Die kleinste Mistel der Welt – Viscum minimum. Kakteen und andereSukkulenten, vol 74/9 – 1 Fig.

During the period 2000-2004 a number of illustrations (maps, diagrams, photos) have been produced for papers by Henning Adsersen, Kamilla Brok Sønderberg, Bente Jessen Graae, Lise Bach Hansen, Ib Johnsen, Line Magnussen, Lene R Nielsen, and Marianne Philipp.

Illustrations of botanical relevance have also been produced for publications by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Danish Nature Conservancy Association, ECONET (Det Arktiske Miljøprogram), Århus Amt (Naturpleje i Anholtørkenen), and Naturens Verden.

-----------------------------------------Revideret/revised April 2020


Publikationerne er opført i kronologisk rækkefølge. Grønne numre linker til abstracts og evt. rettelser og tilføjelser. Det bemærkes, at søgning på nettet giver forskellige resultater alt efter, hvilke dele af navnet Henning S Heide-Jørgensen (f.eks. synonymt med H S Heidejorgensen), der søges på.
Green numbers link to abstracts, corrigenda, and/or supplementary information including photos.
When searching the WEB results differ depending of which combination of the name Henning S Heide-Jørgensen (e.g. synnonymeous with H S Heidejorgensen) you search for.


Populær videnskab =
Popular science paper
    71 Heide-Jørgensen H. S 2020. Skældrod, – Lathraea squamaria. URT 2020:3 p 20-25.    
    70 Heide-Jørgensen H. S. 2020. Skælrod, Lathraea squamaria (p 1-6)   WEB publication - pdf
    69 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2015. The Mistletoe Viscum album. (p 1-32)   WEB publication - pdf
    68 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2015. MISTELTEN - Viscum album. (p 1-32)   WEB publication - pdf
    67 Heide-Jørgensen H. S. 2014. Liv og død i kødædende planters faldgrubefælder, specielt i slægten Sarracenia. - Flora & Fauna. 120(1): 26-32.
  Populær videnskab
pdf artikel
    66 Heide-Jørgensen H. S. 2014. Danish and other Nordic parasitic plants. 40 pp.   WEB publication - pdf
62 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2011. Parasitic plants. In: D. Simberloff & M. Reymánek (eds.): Encyclopedia of Biological Invasions. Pp. 504-510. Univ. Calif. Press. Burkeley - Los Angeles (Also available in electronic version Oct. 2010).
Refereed book
61 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2009-?? Diverse artikler til Gyldendals WEB-leksikon primært omhandlende kødædende planter og snylteplanters biologi.
Encyclopedia articles
in Danish
60 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2008. Danske og andre nordiske snylteplanter. - Danish and other Nordic parasitic plants. (with Figure legends in English). 40 pp.
WEB publication - pdf
59 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2008. Parasitic flowering plants. 438 pp. Brill, Leiden-Boston.
Refereed Book
58 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2006. Naturindtryk fra Kruger Nationalpark og omegn. 16 pp.
WEB publication - pdf
57 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2004-??. - hjemmeside med diverse botaniske artikler.
56 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2004. Værtsvalg, økonomiske betydning og evolution - (Snylteplanter IV). Naturens Verden 87 p 42-61.
Populær videnskab
55 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2003. Helsnyltere (Holoparasitter) - (Snylteplanter III). Naturens Verden 86 p 46-64.
Populær videnskab
54 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2003. Halvparasitter (Snylteplanter II). Naturens Verden 86 (3) p 1-20
Populær videnskab
53 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2002. Haustoriets struktur og funktion (Snylteplanter I). Naturens Verden 85 (11/12) p 32-52.
Populær videnskab
52 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2002. Botanisk Grundkursus. Folkeuniversitetet. København. 27 pp.
51 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2001. Vibefedt. Danmarks Nationalleksikon. 20:129.
Leksikon stikord
50 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2001. Heterotrofe blomsterplanters biologi. Folke-universitetet. København. 39 pp. (Revised edition).
49 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 2000. Snylteplanter. Danmarks Nationalleksikon. 17:450.
Leksikon artikel
48 Heide-Jørgensen H S, Kristensen R M. 1999. Puilassoq, the warmest homothermal spring of Disco Island. Ber. Polarforschung 330:32-43.
47 Brandt A, Thomsen H A, Heide-Jørgensen H S, Kristensen R M, Ruhberg H. 1999. The 1998 Danish-German Excursion to Disco Island, West Greenland. Ber. Polarforschung 330, 184 pp.
Tidsskrift redaktion
46 Heide-Jørgensen H S, Kristensen R M. 1999. Puilassoq, Disko øens varmeste homoterme kilde. In: Arktisk Biologisk Feltkursus, Qeqertarsuaq 1998. p 219-231 (English Summary).
45 Heide-Jørgensen H S, Torp U. 1998. Dansk sammenfatning af rapporten ‘Ecosystem vulnerability to climate change in Greenland and the Faroe Islands'. Ny Viden, Miljøstyrelsen.
Populær videnskab
44 Heide-Jørgensen H S, Johnsen I. 1998. Ecosystem vulnerability to climate change in Greenland and the Faroe Islands. Miljønyt nr. 33. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. 266 pp.
43 Heide-Jørgensen H S, Johnsen I. 1998. Ecosystem vulnerability to climate change in Greenland and the Faroe Islands - Presentation of a report recently published by Danish Environmental Protection Agency. Arktisk biologisk Forskermøde VII 1998. Rapport, Dansk Polarcenter. p 11.
42 Heide-Jørgensen HS. 1998. Kødædende Planter. Danmarks National-leksikon 11:503.
Leksikon artikel
41 Anonym 1997. Chapter 7.2 Climate change in Greenland og Chapter 7.3 Climate change in the Faroe Islands: In Dissing L, Torp U, Rasmussen E (eds.) Denmark's second national communication on climate change. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. p 74-81.
40 Björn L O, Callaghan T V, Johnsen I, Lee J A, Manetas Y, Paul N D, Sonesson M, Wellburn A R, Coop D, Heide-Jørgensen H S, Gehrke C, Gwynn-Jones D, Johanson U, Kyparissis A, Levizou E, Nikolopoulos D, Petropoulou Y, Stephanou M. 1997. The effects of UV-B radiation on European heathland species. Plant Ecol. 128:252-264.
Refereed paper
39 Heide-Jørgensen H S, Johnsen I. 1997. Ecosystem vulnerability to climate change in Greenland and the Faroe Islands. Working Report No. 97 Danish Environmental Protection Agency. Ministry of Environment and Energy. 266 pp.
Summary: see 44
38 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1997. Haustorium. Danmarks Nationalleksikon.
Leksikon stikord
37 Heide-Jørgensen H S, Johnsen I. 1997. Høj-arktisk vegetation i NV-Grønland. Naturens Verden 1997(6):208-223.
Populær vidednskab
36 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1996. Emergens - Epithel - Fangstblære. Danmarks Nationalleksikon.
Leksikon stikord
35 Mikkelsen T N, Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1996. Acceleration of leaf senescence in Fagus sylvatica L. by low levels of tropospheric ozone demonstrated by leaf colour, chlorophyll fluorescence and chloroplast ultrastructure. Trees 10:145-156.
Refereed paper
34 Heide-Jørgensen H S, Johnsen I. 1996. UV-B sensitivity in the lichen Cladonia mitis, a component of the Cassiope tetragona plant community in high arctic Greenland. Summary report, Department of Plant Ecology, Univ. Copenhagen. 4 pp
33 Heide-Jørgensen H S, Johnsen I. 1995. Impact of increased UV-B radiation on the lichen Cladonia mitis from Northern Greenland. Poster. International Workshop: UV-B and Biosphere. December 15-28, WICC, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
32 Johnsen I, Heide-Jørgensen H S, Zeuthen J. 1995. Impact of increased UV-B radiation on the lichen Cladonia mitis from northern Greenland, 2nd report. Supplement 1. Dept. of Plant Ecology, Univ. Copenhagen. 6 pp.
31 Johnsen I, Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1995. Impact of increased UV-B radiation on the lichen Cladonia mitis from northern Greenland, 2nd report. Dept. of Plant Ecology, Univ. Copenhagen. 42 pp.
30 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1995. Hvad skal barnet hedde? Soldug-bladet 1(2):6.
29 Heide-Jørgensen H S, Kuijt J. 1995. The haustorium of the root parasite Triphysaria (Scrophulariaceae), with special reference to xylem bridge ultrastructure. Amer. J. Bot. 82: 782-797.
Refereed paper
28 Heide-Jørgensen H S, Johnsen I. 1995. Analysis of surface structures in Cladonia mitis podetia in historical and recent collections from Greenland. Abstract. In K. Laakso & S. Huttunen (Eds.) Effects of UV-B and ozone on northern forest. TemaNord 579. p 8.
27 Johnsen I, Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1995. Indications of UV-B sensitivity in the lichen Cladonia mitis. In H Bauer and C Nolan (eds.) Proceedings of the first European Symposium on the effects of Environmental UV-B radiation on health and ecosystems. Münich, 27 to 29 October 1993. EUR 15607. Brussels. p 285-288.
26 Heide-Jørgensen H S, Johnsen I. 1995. Analysis of surface structures in Cladonia mitis podetia in historic and recent collections from Greenland. Can. J. Bot. 73: 457-464.
Refereed paper
25 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1995. Ultrastructural analysis of the haustorium of Tri-physaria. Abstract. In: International Workshop on Parasitic Plants: Biology and resistance. 30 May - 2 June. IACR-Long Ashton Research Station, Bristol. p 6.
24 Johnsen I, Heide-Jørgensen H S, Zeuthen J. 1995. Impact of increased UV-B radiation on the lichen Cladonia mitis from northern Greenland, 2nd report. Supplement 1. Dept. of Plant Ecology, Univ. Copenhagen. 6 pp.
23 Johnsen I, Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1995. Impact of increased UV-B radiation on the lichen Cladonia mitis from northern Greenland, 2nd report. Dept. of Plant Ecology, Univ. Copenhagen. 42 pp.
22 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1994. Absorptionsvæv. Danmarks Nationalleksikon 1: 32.
Leksikon stikord
21 Johnsen I, Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1993. Report on UV-B sensitivity in Cladonia mitis. Dept. of Plant Ecology, Univ. Copenhagen. 22 pp. (A short version is also available: 8 pp).
20 Mikkelsen T N, Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1993. Acceleration of leaf senescence in Fagus sylvatica L. by low levels of tropospheric ozone demonstrated by leaf colour, chlorophyll fluorescence & chloroplast ultrastructural changes. In T N Mikkelsen: Ecophysiological studies of beech and Norway spruce exposed to low levels of ozone. Thesis, University of Copenhagen. p 113-147.
19 Heide-Jørgensen H S, Kuijt J. 1993. Epidermal derivatives as xylem elements and transfer cells: a study of the host-parasite interface of two species of Triphysaria (Scrophulariaceae). - Protoplasma 174: 173-183.
Refereed paper
18 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1991. Anatomy and ultrastructure of the haustorium of Cassytha pubescens R. Br. - I. The adhesive disk. - Bot. Gaz. 152: 321-334.
Refereed paper
17 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1991. Notes on the structure of the adhesive disk of Cuscuta. In: Ransom J K, L J Musselman, A D Worsham, and C. Parker (eds). Proc. 5th Inter. Symp. Parasitic Weeds. Nairobi: CIMMYT. p 513.
16 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1991. Cuticle development and ultrastructure: evidence for a procuticle of high osmium affinity. - Planta 183: 511-519.
Refereed paper
15 Heide-Jørgensen, H S. 1990. Xeromorphic leaves of Hakea suaveolens R. Br. IV. Ontogeny, structure and function of the sclereids. - Aust. J. Bot. 38: 25-43.
Refereed paper
14 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1989. Kødædende planter 3. Blærerodfamiliens fældetyper. - Naturens Verden 1989(9): 337-357.
Populær videnskab
13 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1989. Development and ultrastructure of the haustorium of Viscum minimum Harvey. I. The adhesive disk. - Can. J. Bot. 67: 1161-1173.
Refereed paper
12 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1988. Heterotrofe blomsterplanters biologi. Folke-universitetet. København. 39 pp.
11 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1987. Kødædende planter 2. Limpinde, fluepapir og rævesakse. - Naturens Verden 1987(8): 279-296.
Populær videnskab
10 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1987. Changes in cuticle structure during development and attachment of the upper haustorium of Cuscuta L., Cassytha L., and Viscum L. - In H C Weber and W Forstreuter (eds.): Parasitic flowering plants. Proc. 4th Int. Symp. Parasitic Flowering Plants. Marburg. p 319-334.
9 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1986. Kødædende planter 1. Indledning, faldgrube-fælder. - Naturens Verden 1986(3): 81-102.
Populær videnskab
8 Joel D M, Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1985. Ultrastructure and development of the pitcher epithelium of Sarracenia. - Israel J. Bot. 34: 331-349.
Refereed paper
7 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1981. Parasitisme og Carnivori. - Institut for Plante-anatomi og Cytologi. Københavns Universitet. 61 pp.
6 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1981. Cuticles with functions other than simply protective. - In J Wattendorff and KJ Lendzian (eds.): The protective layers in higher plants and their function: Cuticular membranes and periderms. Conf. Abstr. Univ. Freiburg 1981: 28.
5 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1981. Morphology and occurrence of different types of cuticular membranes. - In J Wattendorff and KJ Lendzian (eds.): The protective layers in higher plants and their function: Cuticular membranes and periderms. Conf. Abstr. Univ. Freiburg 1981: 10.
4 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1980. The xeromorphic leaves of Hakea suaveolens R.Br. III. Ontogeny, structure and function of the T-shaped trichomes. Bot. Tidsskr. 75: 181-196.
Refereed paper
3 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1980. Anmeldelse af E Holm 1979: Insektædende Planter. - Urt 80: 62.
2 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1978. The xeromorphic leaves of Hakea suaveolens R.Br. II. Structure of epidermal cells, cuticle development and ectodesmata. - Bot. Tidsskr. 72: 227-244.
Refereed paper
1 Heide-Jørgensen H S. 1978. The xeromorphic leaves of Hakea suaveolens R.Br. I. Structure of photosynthetic tissue with intercellular pectic strands and tylosoids. - Bot. Tidsskr. 72: 87-103.
Refereed paper

Contributions to publications by other authors:

Böcher TW, Olesen P 1978. Structural and ecophysiological pattern in the xero-halophytic C4 grass Sporobolus rigens (Tr.) Desv. Kgl. danske Vid. Sel. Biol. Skr. 22,3: 1-48. - Determination of CO2 compensation point.

NN: Anatomy for Agricultural Highschools, Portugal. - Fig. 2, Hakea cuticle diagram from Botanisk Tidsskr. 72 (1978).

Juniper BE, Robins RJ, Joel DM 1989. The carnivorous plants. Academic Press, London. - Figs. 4.15, 6.35, and 14.1.

Bhandari NN, Mukerji KG 1993. The haustorium - Fig. 1 from Can. J. Bot. 67 (1989).

Stupinsky. Monography of Viscum album. - Fig. 1 from Can. J. Bot. 67 (1989).

Jürgensen A & Sutton K G 1996: TRILOGI - Kunst - Natur - Videnskab. Kunsthallen Brandts Klædefabrik, Odense. - Macrophoto of Cladonia mitis used as cover.

Jeffree C E 1996. In: G. Kirstiens (ed.) Plant cuticles - An integrated functional approach. Bios, Scientific Publishers, Oxford. - 15 TEM-micrographs of cuticle ultrastructure.

Miljøstyrelsen 2001. 'Den livgivende og dødbringende' - Det dansk-grønlandske miljøsamarbejde, Kap. 6. - 5 fotos.

Vestergaard P (red.) 2007: Det åbne land. - 19 figurer i kap. 14.

Hatcher P & Battey N 2011: Biological diversity. Exploiters and Exploited.
Viscum diagrams p. 375.

During the period 2000-2004 a number of illustrations (maps, diagrams, photos) have been produced for papers by Henning Adsersen, Kamilla Brok Sønderberg, Bente Jessen Graae, Lise Bach Hansen, Ib Johnsen, Line Magnussen, Lene R Nielsen, and Marianne Philipp.

Illustrations of botanical relevance have also been produced for publications by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Danish Nature Conservancy Association, ECONET (Det Arktiske Miljøprogram), Århus Amt (Naturpleje i Anholtørkenen), and Naturens Verden.