Heide-Jørgensen H S, 2013. The parasitic syndrome in higher plants. In D M Joel, J. Gressel & L Musselman (eds.): Parasitic Orobanchaceae - Parasitic mechanisms and control strategies. Pp. 1-18. Springer, Heidelberg.

Parasitic plants exploit other plants for water and nutrient supply by unique structures named haustoria. In this chapter, the main modes of parasitism in the plant kingdom, hemi- and holo-parasites, are explained, briefly describing key aspects of development and structure of parasites belonging to the twenty known plant families in which parasitism is expressed.

This chapter as all other chapters in the book may be purchased and downloaded separately from Springers web-site.
Figures in the downloaded versions are larger than in the book.
See also the book ' Parasitic flowering plants'
